Strategies for Success

Remember, it's all in the details! As a tutor, it's important to:

  • Get to know your student. Find out your student’s academic strengths, weaknesses, and their academic worries. The better you understand your student and their academic needs, the more effective your work will be.
  • Know the material you will cover during your tutoring sessions and review it prior to starting your session.
  • Bring additional material/work in case your student did not come to the session ready.
  • Be creative and imaginative in your tutoring methods. Look for ways to motivate and involve your student.
  • Use different modalities to explain concepts, ie.
    • written;
    • oral;
    • visual (diagrams); and / or
    • explanation of abstract concepts using metaphors/allegories, etc.
  • Check in with the student regularly and get feedback.
  • Remember you are teaching students’ skills and content that will allow them to complete their own work.
  • The principles of academic integrity apply to your work together