Recruiting members for your study group

Sometimes word of mouth will build a study group.  Other times it's helpful to spread the word more quickly. Studies suggest that 3-6 study group members are ideal.  If you'd like to get the word out, you may want to ask the professor if you can make the following announcement in class or the professor may be happy to do it on your behalf.

Here is a suggested script:

"Before we begin, I'd like to make a brief announcement.  A student in our class is/ I am organizing a study group.  The purpose of a study group is to:

- Share ideas and help one another understand content
- Review main ideas
- Test one another within the group.

The group will meet (insert day and time) or (at a time agreed by members of the group).  If you are interesting in joining, please go to by (insert date) and sign up under for the (insert course code and section) group.   Space is limited."